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Tips for Staying Sober During the Holidays and Other Triggering Times

Written by Zach Miller , Medically Reviewed by Jocelyn Riden August 26, 2024

It’s the holidays and we have been asked so many times not to drink too much. Consequences– “Get busy,” “Go find something else to do that will help you stop drinking,” and the like. These are helpful things that any person in recovery should know when it comes to avoiding relapse during the holidays, which are actually good advice but here we are.

We can only add that while recovery is not a linear process and a long-term one, it is not easy; it is a task that demands effort, focus, and dedication, and everyone needs something different. So here are some tips that we’ve collected with our network to stay sober over the years: Well below are the seven tips we have garnered with the help of our network on how to go about maintaining sobriety:

Understand Your Triggers

To begin the process of maintaining sobriety, it is necessary to find out what specific factors lead a person to take alcohol. These might be specific persons, locations, or experiences that instigate desires in the particular subject. In this case, it is possible to actively prevent them or to look for ways of addressing them on your part if you are ever in a relationship.

Create a Support Network

He added, talking about the relationships that one has, that it is very important to have sober friends and family to not have any relapse and any chance to take alcohol. If you cannot, go to experienced support meetings, talk to a sponsor, or inform friends and relatives who know your story. Often it is good to have someone to emulate, or simply a person who will put his or her arm around an individual to make the changes that can help to take a person to the next level or realm.

Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms

It is often recommended that when one gets the urges, they should ensure that they satisfy them in the right manner. These might include:

Physical Activity: Such foods are a consequence of stress and anxiety, which usually accompany an inactive lifestyle, thus the need for exercise.

Mindfulness Techniques: Some of them are breathing exercises, deep breathing, meditation, and the most important one is yoga.

Hobbies and Interests: The truth of the matter is that the available alternatives involve you engaging in other activities that can assist you in diverting your attention and thus not thinking about the cravings that you have.

Healthy Eating: Taking balanced meals to eat right can prevent a person’s moods from fluctuating and also prevent one from overeating, especially on sugary foods or foods that trigger cravings.

Plan Ahead

Generally, planning is the strategy that one can use to deal with certain challenging situations. Consider:


Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms


Avoiding high-risk Environments: If there are public functions that are characterized by lots of drinking, then such functions should be avoided.

Having a Backup Plan: This means that if you are expecting that there will be alcohol at an event that you are expected to attend, then think about how you would avoid the triggers if they were to occur. This may include, being discharged early or hiring a companion who will not drink alcohol.

Practicing Self-care: That is why you should ensure that you have good health during that period; this is the time to take care of your health both physically and emotionally. Ensure you are taking a balanced diet, observing adequate rest, and eliminating any form of stress.

To help oneself and other people remain sober during this festive season, one has to be as honest as possible.

If somebody challenges you, why are you not drinking alcohol? Say to them today is not my day for it and go on with business as usual. She does not require an explanation unless they go on asking questions because apparently, people do not care about what others choose in their lifetime (unless, of course, those people are the ones making those choices).

Moreover, I believe everyone would understand that you have to say ‘no’ for many reasons: first, people comprehend how challenging it is to regain; second, people are aware of how it feels to drink excessively and things turn sour.

Seek Professional Help

If you feel out of control, then it is time to look for assistance from a professional. An authorized therapist or a counselor can help with some recommendations and instruments to cope with the difficulties and remain sober.

Professional Help

Just the same, being sober is a process, and, normally, people will slip up now and then. Being aware of your stressors, attending to your support, learning positive ways to manage stress, and preparing a strategy help in avoiding relapse, namely during the period of holidays and other difficult ones.

Contact Us


Palm Coast Treatment Centers will iron out the details for you in a manner that will make you confident in your path to sobriety. That first simple call is your ticket to making Palm Coast Treatment Centers your solution for addiction. Get the freedom from addiction that you deserve today.

Call Us Now: (386) 284-4151

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